Technical support
What is pump lift? Which letter is it expresses as? What is the measurement unit? How to convert it into pressure and what is the formula?
The energy that liquid of unit weight get from the pump is called pump lift. The pump lift includes suction lift and it is similar to the pressure difference between pump outlet and pump inlet.
The pump lift is expressed as H and the unit is meter (m).
The pressure of the pump is expresses as P and its unit is Mpa, H=P/ρ. For example, if P为1kg/cm2, H=(lkg/ cm2)/(1000kg/ m3)
H=(1kg/ cm2)/(1000公斤/m3)=(10000公斤/m2)/1000公斤/m3=10m1Mpa=10kg/c m2,H=(P2-P1)/ρ
(P2=outlet pressure P1=inlet pressure)